The organizations involved are a public-private District (Dhitech), two public bodies (Puglia and Molise Conservatories) and two no-profit organization (Albania Music Academy and Montenegro Association of Young Artists).
Encoding and Analysing Popular music
DHITECH is characterized as a strategic hub and tool to support the growth of High-tech sectors in the Regional Innovation Ecosystem, i.e., the set of Public or Private actors.
Akademia Muzika a cultural association established for the purpose of promoting the Albanian musical tradition. The Academy is mainly oriented toward folk music, but also develops courses in modern and classical music for general culture.
The Lorenzo Perosi Conservatory is a high school of musical studies founded in Campobasso in 1971.
The Association of Young Artists was founded in 2017 with the aim of systematically organizing young artists in Montenegro.
The Conservatory of Lecce is named after Tito Schipa, the famous tenor of grace who financed the foundation of the Institute in the 1930s. The Conservatory, to enhance the various aspects of the vocal tradition.